Wednesday, February 27, 2008


My mind is floating. One moment I'm present, and the next drifting far away. It's going to take some time to comprehend what I saw, felt and experienced. I keep reflecting back and then my mind drifts off into sweet oblivion. Eventually the dust will settle and I will land on this side of the Atlantic, but in the meantime I'm a little lost in time and space. Partly due to a whopping, giant, terrible case of jet lag. Jet lag is a condition resulting when travel across time zones leaves a person feeling “out of sync” with local time. Never an early riser, I'm now up promptly at 4:45 am and sound asleep by 7:45 pm. Mid morning I'm really hungry, quite ready for lunch and by the end of the afternoon blurry eyed, teary and irritated. My remedy is lots Sun Salutations. A little downward dog is definitely a wise choice. Inversions stimulate and balance all the systems of the body including the endocrine, circulatory, reproductive and digestive system. Patience and time are required as well ,eventually the internal clock syncs but in the meantime I suppose it's all about enjoying the sunrise and quiet beauty of the early morning.

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