Friday, May 9, 2008

Days to come

Goood evening and happy Friday everyone! As my year quickly comes to a close I have a lot to look forward to. As things stand now, as long as my visa comes through I will be going to India this summer. This is going to be a wonderful journey. Persuaded by this trip and Brenda from Grounding Thru the Sit Bones I will continue my exploration of mudra's. Mudra's are a huge part of the Kripalu tradition and as I discovered in my yoga teacher training program not only part of the practice but also available for everyday aliments and increase general health. A great place to start is Mudras, Yoga in your Hands by Gertrud Hirschi. I will be exploring a different Mudra every week so stay tuned. Before leaving for the Ashram I am looking forward to a hiking holiday at the end of June. I'm going back to the land of milk and honey. I'm looking forward to getting back to nature but also a wee bit nervous about how smothering hot its going to be. We'll be up north which should be all of 4 degrees cooler than the south which means I can enjoy a breezy 94 degrees. Here hoping for lots of cool shady forest trees and many, many waterfalls!

Peace and Love y'all


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