Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Natasha Rizopoulos

Snow day! Great day to do a little home practice. In my pursuit of finding the right home practice I'm once again exploring a variety of yoga DVD's. Today I tried Yoga step by step session 2 and 3 with Natasha Rizopoulos. Session two is about twisting and three inversions. There is a lot of material on the disc but the actual practice is short, about 2o minutes. The instructor waste no time in getting into the postures. One quick tadasana and your off into sun salutations. I enjoyed disco two. It's short, sweet and to the point. Perfect for a morning or late afternoon practice when you have little time or energy. Session three is not my cup of tea. First of all if you don't have the time or space to re-arrange your furniture this is not the practice for you since a good part of the practice are inversions using the wall. This is absolutely not a beginner or intermediate practice and I highly caution trying these inversion without supervision especially if you are new to head and hand stands. The instructor is clear and moves at a comfortable rate. Demonstrations include modifications with use of blocks, blankets and straps. I give session two a thumbs up but proceed with caution if attempting session three.
Happy snow day!
Miss. S.

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