Today a long time teacher of mine gave her last class at the primary studio I attend. When she first announced she would be leaving it didn't register, until it did, and then it hit me like a thunder bolt. Claire Este McDonald is a healer of mind, body and spirit. Over the years her message has been consistent and clear. To take care and love others you must do the same for yourself. Be mindful and aware, respect the yoga and the process. Her classes are powerful and many times I've felt I wasn't up for the challenge, wanting something easier and more sedate. It's been a year of injury and recovery and each time I entered her class I hoped it would be easier, but by the end felt the healing process take hold. I walked into class earlier this week in a tearful puddle. I realized for the first time, after all these years, on some level each time I attended her classes I gained some courage, a little confidence to go out and face whatever is in my path. I had taken our time together for granted and hadn't stopped to really appreciate the gift in front of me.
As I reflect upon this wonderful teacher and all she has given, I am deeply grateful for the time I have spent on the mat with her guidance. I am humbled and reminded to acknowledge all the blessings in my life. Claire is moving on and upward in her personal evolution. My sense is she is putting down solid roots and I can't help but think of her as the Celtic tree of life which connects heaven and earth.
I wish you well always with blessing and love,
Jai Bhagwan
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