Friday, December 7, 2007

Friday's Feast

What was the last game you purchased?
Toy or game? I think for a game it would have to be a Scooby Do puzzle. I am still searching for a Wii, that's the game I really need to find. ( by Christmas)

Name something in which you don’t believe.
I don't believe the dollar, the housing market or the American moral will recover during this administration.

If you could choose a celebrity to be your boss, who would you pick?
I really needed to think about this. I just would not want to leave what I do to be anybody's assistant, I don't care who they are. That said, I wouldn't mind working for Jane Goodall ( She's a celebrity in my profession) it would be fascinating work and working for her would mean I'd finished my doctorate!!!

Main Course
What was a lesson you had to learn the hard way?
To listen to my instinct. When that feeling inside me tells me somethings is wrong or off heed the warning!

Describe your idea of the perfect relaxation room.
A comfortable place with lovely afternoon sunlight where I can read, meditate and do yoga.


Anonymous said...

Love your salad choice--great feast this week!

TexasTanya said...

Oooo, good main course. Took me forever to learn that one too...
Happy feasting.