Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Magical Moment

Saturday, February 23, 2008
I've been Everywhere, Man I've been Everywhere
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Happy Travels

On Valentines Day I leave for a big trip. I travel a long way, to a place I’ve never been before. I’m excited and find myself breaking out in an occasional smile, but I also have a huge case of travel jitters. I called to confirm my flight reservations and had so many questions the customer service representative finally interrupted me and said, “Everything is set, you are all set, everything is going to be fine!” I paused, took a breath and said, “Yeah? OK then, thank you, thank you very much, ok then, bye bye and thank you.” I heard the click on the other end long before the last thank you. I'm sure all will be well and I will return with many happy memories but right now I'm a bag of nerves.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
First Sign of Spring

Her festival is also called Brigit. Brigit (the Goddess and the Festival) represents the stirring of life again after the dead months of the winter, and her special blessings are called forth at this time.
To celebrate her day tidy up the home and hearth a bit in the morning, lay a fire without kindling, then make yourself a "Bed for Brigid" and place it near the hearth. The bed can be a small basket with covers and tiny pillow added as plain or fancy as you like. If you have no hearth, you can use the stove and put the bed behind or near it. Then at sundown light a candle rubbed with rosemary oil and invite Brigit into your home and into her bed. Make your own poem or find a nice one to read aloud. Let the candle burn in a safe place for as long as possible. Perhaps if you like, a few yoga poses to open up the fire within.
Brigit let's us know the'll be daffodills sooner rather than later but until then she'll keep us warm and snug and always has the home fires burning to welcome us back after a long cold day.