There's a long way to go before I can kick up my heals and have a rest. Each year I generate strategies and try new techniques to make this crowded little over obligated time of the year a little less hectic. Things that have been effective over the years I keep and each year I try to incorporate other practices to make this period an easier transition as I anticipate the sweet days of Summer. What I have learned is that organization and following a daily schedule is key. Each week I make a schedule and add or amend it daily. I try to start projects a month ahead of time and schedule in regular blocks so I'm not crushed beyond capacity when things come due. This has been quite effective but the down side is always thinking in the future rather than the present moment.
One of the hardest things to incorporate into my routine is a consistent practice. There is so much to do, that by the time I have finished everything the only sane option is sleep. Yesterday after two weeks I finally made my way into a class and unto the mat and the difference in my energy level and attitude is astounding. There is no way for me to have the practice I would like to have this time of year. A home practice is out of the question. Too many distractions, I wont last ten minutes before my eye catches something and I remember a task and should really just do it and get it out of the way. It's better for me to be in a class where I can let those thoughts slide past me and focus on breathing and allowing myself to be present. That's a big piece of having too much to do. Always thinking forward about what needs to be done in the future and not being present in the moment or the day. This year I am scheduling in a small practice, an opportunity to be present and in the moment. A little time to soak up the gorgeous Spring blooming around me. The road can be long, but it doesn't have to be arduous.
Slow and peaceful feeling to everyone.