Friday, April 8, 2011

Sprouting Up

The moment we moved I started planning a garden. The first thing I did was buy loads of bulbs. This was back in the fall. We immediately planted as many bulbs as we could stuff into the ground. The bulbs are doing nicely and by the end of the month I think we may actually have a lovely splash of color! In the meantime Winter came, harsh, unforgiving with much personal sorrow and defeat. Occasionally I would have few minutes to sit and day dream. My mind would drift to a summer garden. What would I grow in my own garden? Where would I plant the garden? How big should it be? How much sun did I need? How to keep the dogs out and on and on. The last time I had my own garden was decades ago. My best friend showed me how to do it and we got something up and running which was really nice. I remember getting a lot of red cayenne peppers, but not much else, or perhaps I don't remember anything else. This is not a lot to go on, but I made a mental note to add cayenne peppers to my garden, after all I once had success with them once and I like peppers. I finally selected half a dozen vegetables, two herbs and one fruit. I collected my seed packages, soil and decided to begin by planting indoors. I read that this was a good thing to do. So now my little starter seeds are little sprouts, which I eagerly examine each day. The promise of spring in full fruition and the beginning of something new. It feels wonderful.


Ananda said...

It really does feel wonderful! And I just loved reading this post. I also love plants and handling earth, and this magical feeling whenever I see a tiny little leaf braking the earth. Here in Rio there are many trees on the streets that leave seeds that are easy to grow indoors (or anywhere, really!). So I'm always picking them up and bringing them home to plant and watch them grow. I'll probably need to move into a house soon, because it's becoming a garden here in my apartment!


Wish you all the best! You're blog is great!

Faith P said...

Nice post thanks for sharingg