Saturday, May 12, 2012

First Steps

A new journey begins.  Its been a long year and the decisions have not come easy. How will I do this?  What do I need?  What do I need to figure out to make this happen?  Its been a collection of difficult choices with equally difficult people blocking my every turn.  The next few years will be life chnging to say the least.  This is a stepping off point and I'm not always entirely sure where it will lead, but its time to follow my own path.  Part of the discovery has been the unpleasant realization that when you choose to serve your personal highest good some will feel threatened and become quite nasty.  The rubbish I have heard this year could fill a sanitation dump. 

Its my time to start my research, finish my clinicals and untimely my doctorate.  Its also time be more present in my personal life, a place of powerful love and joy that has been denied to me repeatedly this year through countless selfish acts by others who lack regard or respect anyone who isnt serving their agenda.  

It also time to step back on the mat.  I foresee many achy classes and some ego busting moments but I also carefully carved out space for regular practice which I will be able to partake in the next couple of years at least.  I leave for a short training in Montreal at the end of the month.  Its the beginning, a good beginning.  

Blessing and peace to everyone on this lovely spring day!

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