Okaaay its been a crazy ride this week. I'm not sure if its been one big up hill battle or all sliding down hill in a hand basket. Uhmmm hard to say, perhaps a spicy masala with a little of everything. Can you say denied! denied! denied! Evidently if your the Indian Embassy you certainly can. I have now been denied not once, but twice. It seems I keep sending in the wrong friggin' paperwork! Gandhar - were now on a first name basis - the coordinator of the ashram, have talked between every class, before every chant, and after every meditation. I felt we might be having some success as he is now sending some official government paperwork with the information the Embassy wants. Fantastic! But wait... It seems there's just one hitch, its in the local language Marathi. I may need to hire an official translator to verify the paperwork. Excellent, let me just flip out the yellow pages, can you hold on one minute while I look are up you fucking kidding me? In the meantime I went ballistic this week because someone stole my ipod. That was until I found it with the kitchen utensils. oh dear.... I'm loosing it. Its time to get on the mat, go deep and sweat this out. Just burn it off baby, breath deep and let it go. I felt much better after that class, thank you Rhea. I glided out of class and as as I walked back to my car I spied a parking ticket. "What? No, no, no! Oh wait, no... its a note. Why would someone leave me note." Well as it turns out when you accidentally hit someones car with yours it's the stand up thing to do. I stood there and screamed NO! Two people sauntering by saw the state I was in and scurried past. We've now reached the end of the week ( thank god). I'm going to get the car fixed. I'll have a rental till the works done. My paperwork will be faxed to the Indian Embassy Monday morning and were going to have another go at this.
Here hoping for some good ju ju for next week,
Om Shanti