Friday, May 16, 2008


Pran Mudra
A quick week with an absolute must do now list and a longer must do as soon as possible list has left me fatigued and blurry eyed. This is an excellent time to incorporate pran mudra into my asana's. Pran mudra reduces fatigue, nervousness and improves vision. It increases assertiveness, self confidence and allows us to start something new or the strength to finish what we need to complete. Incorporate this mudra into your practice by allowing the tips of the pinky and ring finger to touch the tip of the thumb. The remaining two fingers are extended. I suggest incorporating this mudra into Vrksasana (tree pose) Natarajasana (dancers pose) and Ardha Chandrasana ( half moon standing). This mudra combined with slow and gentle breathing has a calm stabilizing effect. Root down and breath.
Jai Bhagwan

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