Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cluster Fuck

The past nine days have been a hellish ride ending in my doctors office. My problem, the mother of all headaches, specifically a cluster headache. I'm finally on the way out of hades. I have a few suggestions for anyone who may be suffering from a chronic headache. Number one, go see your doctor, do not fuck around. You need to rule out some serious medical possibilities(which are probably not the issue) and you need to get your blood pressure checked. This has to get done, that's number one. While making an appointment with your practitioner I have a few holistic suggestions which may bring relief. Make an appointment with a cranial sacral massage therapist. If this is not possible in your area try acupuncture. The blood vessels in the brain are constricted. Specifically with migraines this is a nasty cycle which needs to be broken and both types of intervention can help ease the discomfort. I would also Neti, it has a cooling and soothing effect on the brain by drawing out excessive heat, and is therefore beneficial for headaches, migraine, and general mental tension. There are also some yoga poses which are a comfort. Most positions that puts the head below the level of the heart are likely to trigger or accelerate the level of discomfort, with the exception of Viparita Karani (Legs-up-the-Wall Pose) With that in mind, if you have had a recent headache or feel the start of a new one, I recommend a restorative practice. Eliminate any poses where the head is below the heart, Breath work, or pranayama, which emphasizes a full diaphragmatic inhalation and exhalation pattern, will also help to establish and maintain a relaxed mind and body which will work on the constricted blood vessels. Avoid triggers such as caffeine, alcohol and nicotine and drink lots of water. Dehydration is a major factor in causing headaches and migraines, so water is a healing form of medicine when the dragon roars like thunder in your head. Last, get as much rest as you can. You need it, so go to bed until the tidal wave subsides.
Be well and good health.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I have had migraines, and when I feel one coming on, I do Legs Up the Wall, while holding ice packs in both hands. It works for me every time!!

I'm sorry you've been having such a time! Glad you are feeling better...