Wednesday, April 29, 2009


For forty days total I will be doing a japa. A japa is a meditative repetition of a mantra or name of God. The mantra or name may be spoken softly, enough for the practitioner to hear it, or it may be spoken purely within the mind. Japa may be performed while sitting in a meditation posture, while performing other activities, or as part of formal worship in group settings. The repetitions are counted using a string of beads known as a japa mala. The japa is best performed for forty days, 108 times at each session.
The particular mantra I will chant is one commonly used to remove obstacles standing in the way of your progress. I began this mantra two days ago with members of my YTT group. We will each perform our japa at 9:30 each evening. It is my sincere hope this helps bring release and easy passage to our YTT brother.
Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha
(ohm goom gana-pa-tie-ay na-ma-ha)

1 comment:

Lirun said...

i hope your good wishes find you..