Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sun Salutation Mantra

During each class this past summer we would chant this Suryanamaskara mantra before each sun salutation. We did a lot of sun salutations and this gave a little rest and a reminder to take a breath. It's quite lovely and fun to chant.
Om Rham Mitraya Namaha
Salute to the friend of all
Om Rhim Ravaya Namaha
To the Shinning one
Om Rhum Suryaya Namaha
To the one who induces activity
Om Rhaim Bhanave Namaha
To the one who illuminates
Om Rhoum Khagaya Namaha
To one who pushes quickly to the sky
Om Rhah Pushne Namaha
To the imparter of strength
Om Rham Hiranyagarghya Namah
To the golden cosmic self
Oh Rhim Mirichaye Namaha
To the lord of the dawn
Om Rhum Adityaya Namaha
To the lord of creations
Om Rhaim Savitre Namaha
To the one who is fit to be praised
Oh Rham Bhaskaraya Namaha
To the one who leads to enlightenment

Om Shri Savitre Suryanarayanaya Namaha
Oh Rham Rhim Rhum Rhaim Rhoum Rhay
Mitra Ravi Surya Bhanu Khaga Pushan Hiranyagarbha
Marichi Aditya Savitru Arku Bhaskarebhyo Namo Namhaa
Hari Om everyone.


Ray Greenberg said...

Here's a prettier representation of the mantra for hanging at home....
If I knew how to include a picture I would...

Justin said...

hey :-) was this in Trimbuk?