Thursday, August 5, 2010

Domestic traveling woman

For many many years, probably a good portion of my adult life I split my time between two countries. Then a little over a year and half ago I made a promise, a decision, to stop. Life had become too full in one place and too confusing to forever be packing my bags and taking flight. Too many things to do, too many obligations, and my focus had evolved toward something that didn't include a red eye. This week alone I have made appointments for house necessities, hauled our shit out so the home can be internally repainted and discussed the possibility of building a rooftop deck for a sustainable urban garden. Very domestic, and to quote Edith Piaf, " I regret nothing" but I know that my travels helped balance me out, and slow me down. I need to find that balance on the home front. Life becomes quite complicated as an adult, personally more rewarding, but defiantly full, which leaves me with a propensity to overwork and become a neurotic bore. Not really what I was aiming for...... How to balance it out, the life, the obligations, the family , the profession, the ability to be at peace in one place, tricky, very tricky.......

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Greg said...
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