Tuesday, February 22, 2011


( Nadi Shuddhi)

I'm not breathing, exhausted when I go to sleep, I wake up several times throughout the night or jolt up from a bad dream. I go through my day exhausted ad listless but if I lay down my eyes are wide awake. I'm not grounded at all. When I get back from my father's services I need to place myself on a schedule and stick to it..... until I don't need to anymore. A strict schedule during times of emotional crisis is personally very healing. I write down my activities and obligations and place everything into a strict and very simple schedule. It helps anchor me, and right now I really need that .
As I have blogged about earlier I had been spending some regular time on the mat in my own personal practice. I need to get back on the mat and include some breath exercises. One of my favorites and personally most beneficial is nadi shuddi. Nadi shuddhi pranayama or nadi shodhana is an alternating nostril breathing exercise. Benefits of alternate nostril breathing are plentiful:
•Cleanses and tones the entire nervous system.
•Relieves symptoms of disorders of the respiratory tract
•Reduces stress
•Enhances a feeling of calm.
•Makes Practitioner feel more energetic because of improved oxygenation
•Increases rate of metabolism thus aiding weight loss.
How to:
Sit i a comfortable position. Let your chin tip slightly downward, eyes closed. Use the thumb, and fifth finger (small finger) of your right hand. The three middle fingers can tuck into your hand. Use your thumb to close off the right nostril, as you breath into the left. Initially start off the inhalation to the count of two, three, four or five. Should you experience dizziness, reduce the count. As soon as you reach the top of the inhalation, immediately close the left nostril with your pinky finger, removing your thumb from the right nostril at the same time, and begin a slow, rhythmic, effortless exhalation through this nostril. Do this to the count of two, three, four or five. Inhale through the right nostril to the count. Close the right nostril with your right thumb. Exhale through the left nostril.

1 comment:

Honey said...

Pranayama is really beneficial for health.Yoga helps to purify mind as well as soul, its fills a wisdom of calmness and helps maintaining strength and litheness in the human body. I knew about the advantage of nostril breathing from my yoga classes.
