Saturday, February 25, 2012

Pain in the Neck

I've been walking around with my shoulders well above my ears and a left sided neck ache since September. In reassessing what needs to been down now, and try to figure out what to do next, one of my first priorities is bringing my stress level down so I can make room to create a solution. I have really ramped up my yoga practice lately, focusing on neck and shoulders. Oh boy, is it unpleasant. The area is like a tight brick and instant feelings of exhaustion rush through me while my mind screams STOP THAT! This area is connected to the fifth chalkra which focuses on speaking your truth, speech, verbal expression and communication. The base of the neck is connected with feeling overwhelmed and over responsible, taking on more than your "fair share" of work and a sense of oneself within society and one's profession

Everyone has one or two areas in the body where stress is more likely to settle first, and stay longer. This is connected to our personal constitution, our karma, and what is happening emotionally right now. Take time to explore what area of the body is most affected by stress and emotional discourse. Healing these areas of the body brings deep feeling states which need to be acknowledged and addressed so they can go away! Time and patience is needed in this pursuit. Each time we confront these areas/emotional issues, they weaken and eventually the issue resolves itself, but it takes a long time, many years, if not a lifetime.

I personally think the big issues will keep coming up till you confront them, so ignoring it won't make it go away. You'll find yourself on a different day in the same situation. By working the area physically and emotionally it grows continually weaker and eventually departs leaving us with a cleaner aura and better karma and a happier place in our lives.

Wishing success and a peaceful journey to all~


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