Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fresh Air

 Good memories here!

These shoes are chock full of wonderful memories, particular those old ratty ones in the front. The half boot and the funky shoes I got in Paris many, many years ago.   The big rain-boots I got at Dunn's in Dublin and stomped around grassy fields in Ireland before landing back in the states.  I love these shoes dearly and have worn them literally to pieces.  As I turn the page on a new chapter and clear the way for things yet to come I have been sweeping through every room in the house with a two large bags, one for garbage and one for give away. 

I haven't worn the half boots or funky ones in longer than I'm willing to admit.  It's time to salute and say goodbye.  I've loved each of these shoes dearly, but now they are no longer usable and sadly they can only be classified as clutter.  Clutter is disruptive to the growth process and prevents us from moving forward. Clutter is loud, visual and and emotional, it disrupts our ability to fully engage in life. There is a belief that the state of our home is a clue to how our chakras are running.  The rooms in our home each represent different chalkras.  If you have a room or section of your home that needs attention, its an indicator that the chalkra that corresponds to that room or section is blocked. 

Rooms and living spaces that typically represent the major chakras are:
  • Crown Chakra: Attic, Roof, Rain Gutters;  Feeling disconnected, misunderstood, anxious,
  • Brow Chakra: Den, Home Office, Windows: Difficulty making decisions, following your inner feelings, tapping into creativity.
  • Throat Chakra: Living Room, Family Room:  Difficulty communicating effectively.
  • Heart Chakra: Kitchen, Dining Areas:  Irritation, guilt, hatred, self,pity.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra: Bathrooms, Personal Spaces: Difficulty completing routine tasks, lack of will power, energy.
  • Sacral Chakra: Master Bedroom:  Difficulty with  emotions, sex, manifestation, trusting the universe, and feeling enough.
  • Root Chakra: Basement, Crawl Space: Tired, cautious, afraid of change.
  • Aura: Porches, Decks, Landscaping, Garages:  clean this area for a lighter happier aura.
Getting rid of unwanted, unused or unusable items is very liberating.  There are always items that are particularity difficulty to part with even if there use as long since passed. (ie:  baby and toddler toys and clothes.) but in doing so we create space, new energy and breathing room.  So here's to breathing new life into the day!

Be well and prosper in simplicity.

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