Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Overcoming my Fears

Today I found myself a little panicked. My man came home yesterday. I was so happy to see him I bound out of the car at the airport, jumping up and down, waving my arms, feeling my heart full with joy. We have not had much time together as of late and I miss him. Unfortunately he has caught a little bug and is feeling under the weather. Oh dear this won't do! It's summer time and we live in the North where its cold and snowy most days. Warm days are for beaches and hiking and picnics and frolicking on grassy knolls. " No, no can't have this." Once home I immediately started to sift through the medicine cabinet looking for ways to blast this out of his system. "Take this, drink this, eat this!" I calmed and we had lovely dinner and I felt such happiness to have him home. By the morning he was feeling worse, much worse. By 10 in the morning it was official, he's down for the count. I made my way to an afternoon yoga class and all my fears came tumbling out on the mat. My fear of being sick in India. Alone and sick. My fears of snakes. Typhoid! malaria! diarrhea! My fears of being alone and sick, having diarrhea and tripping over a snake on the way to the bathroom in the dead of night! I was down and out on the mat, in a hot sweat of panic. Our teacher, Clair is an amazing healer in her own right. As we progressed through the class I listened to her tell us to take things slowly and allow them to be what they are. To accept where we are right now. I acknowledge this fright, and twice to my surprise I have found myself weepy. Slowly with each sun salutation and asana I found it easier to accept "I am that I am." For now that's the best I can do, just accept and move forward.
Namaste and peace to you all.

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