Sunday, July 11, 2010

Letting Go

Students just hanging out at Yoga Vidya Dham
As the Summer unfolds I am beginning to reconnect with myself. I realize how far off I have wandered and coming back to a centered place is going to take some time and patience. Each yoga class I take these days is a journey. Emotional. physical and mental just comes pouring out onto the mat. There's no stopping it, and no real figuring out why or what's coming out. I leave class drenched, feeling I just unloaded a ton I wasn't even sure why I was carrying around. Recent feelings, feelings from years ago, thoughts I had no awareness I was thinking, all just unloading on the mat. It's a relief, but also a little unnerving to have see how quickly we pile junk into our minds and body. For now I'm just letting go and clearing out.
Wishing peace and lightness to everyone.


Linda-Sama said...

wow, are you at yoga vidya dham now? I want to take the yoga therapy training there.....


Miss S said...

No, this was a couple of summers ago. I think yoga point is a great place to do a yoga therapy training they are associated with a yoga clinic which does medicinal therapy and I think it would be a really worthwhile.