I was quite taken by the Julie & Julia project and this got me thinking about what I might be able to undertake. If I was going to take on a little project of my own it would have to be something personally meaningful, possibly boasting my happiness factor up a notch or two. It would also have to fit into my already overloaded. over obligated, over scheduled life. As I have mentioned before my goal within my yoga practice is spending more time on the mat at home and becoming less dependant on outside classes. With this in mind I have chosen my project for the year. The Namaste Experience is a ten month project compromised of doing and reviewing 75 yoga DVD's, cooking one meal a week from Cooking the Whole Foods Way by Christina Pirello and juice fasting one day a week. In the end I'll compare the beginning of September 2007 with the end of June 2008 and we'll see how much bliss I've attained! First DVD is Yoga Shakti with Shiva Rea, first recipe ( the easiest one I could find in the cookbook) first fast, pure hell I'm sure.
Wish me luck!