Monday, August 13, 2007


I have put my genius into my life,
whereas all I have
put into my work
is my talent.

Julie and Julia, my year of cooking dangerously by Julie Powell is an inspiration to anyone who ever had hopes of wish fulfillment, inexplicable happiness or just doing something that brings ongoing satisfaction. Today my teacher said, "spending time with your children, gardening, doing yoga, it doesn't matter... doing something that fills you fills others, so you should do it often." Julia Powell decided to rise to the challenge and every day for one year she cooked solely from Mastering the Fine Art of French Cooking by Julia Child. She wrote about glorious victories and agonizing defeats, first in a blog then a book. Somewhere in the middle of her dull low pay job, crappy loft in a nowhere residential New York City borough, dial up Internet and entirely too much smoking, drinking and butter she inspired me (and I suspect a legion of others) to go out there and grab all the joy possible. Julie Powell opened up her heart chalkra and enveloped life. Life threw her a couple of sucker punches but all in all Julie came out on top; happier, satisfied, with a more enriched life at day 365. She didn't have any expectations, just looking to find something wonderful to embrace. It worked, it was a great idea. She succeeded fabulously
I'm inspired to do the same. My life is a little busier than Julie's was, but all the same, I have some ideas. I'm not ready to share yet but soon perhaps.
Happy Hunting!

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