Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Third eye blind!

Today I decided to try another Iyengar yoga class but at a different studio. I made my way to the 5th to Rasa Yoga, a beautiful oasis not far from the Notre Dame. As I was making may way across the overcrowded church yard, I saw a young man with a feather stuck in his tight curly hair acting in a bizarre and uncomfortable manner. A foot away from him a woman with her seeing eye dog was seated with a friend chatting away. This young man silently came up to the dog and began pulling at his harness. The dog was lying down and looked at who might be pulling him to stand, definitely confused. I stopped walking and began to wonder if this uncomfortable peculiar man knew these women. One of the women seated had sight and took no notice and kept chatting. The man began to berate the dog jumping up and down by the dogs head, attempting to tease or frighten the animal. The woman without site seemed unaware this was happening and finally her friend looked up and said something with a small chuckle. The young man made one last attempt at something abusive and left. Meanwhile I was moving in, looking around at the throngs of people paying no attention to the abuse this disaster of a human was inflicting on this animal. No one seemed to understand the venerability of this blind women unable to defend herself. Everyone seemed oblivious and unaware. That young man himself seemed unaware I was standing closer and closer to him, ready – frightened- but ready to step in if needed. He drifted off and slipped into the crowd. By the time I got to the yoga studio I was deeply shaken and in tears. I had not planned my trip out properly and arrived too early. I made my way into the dressing room and completely broke down. I finally managed to dress for class and splash cold water on my face. I found a quiet spot in the waiting area to calm myself. There were many yoga books to peruse. I picked up the Heart of Yoga by T.K.V. Desikachar and this literally jumped out at me.

A himsa is a cruelty or injustice. “ Dust that lands on the skin is harmless, but if only a tiny particle gets in the eye, it is very Painful.” Yoga Sutra “Someone who is searching for clarity becomes sensitive because the eyes must be open, even if what they see is sometimes very unpleasant.” T.K.V. Desikacher

I proceeded through another Iyengar class with a much nicer teacher, warm and encouraging. I just don’t think Miss. S and B.K.S. see eye to eye at this time so perhaps we should just shake hands and say perhaps another time. Today’s journey was about karma not hatha yoga anyway. Reaching home I swung the door open and my little Rocco came bounding over full of excitement and affection. I gave him extra kisses and cuddles and rubs and told him how special and wonderful he was, then we headed out for a nice relaxing walk. Day over, the end.

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