Sunday, September 2, 2007

One Down

Yesterday the Man and I went to a lovely beach to wile away a little time before the bell goes off, the gates open and were off and running. Knowing this week is going to be a shock on the system I thought I should get the first meal cooked and done before Monday. I made this very easy on myself, fried rice with vegetables. The only modification was herb instead of fresh burdock. I also spent the week trying Mantra Girl's Kundalini yoga DVD. I like the idea of cleaning out my aura but I'm not particularly fond of her approach or sequence. I'm sorry but I am not going to be able to recommend this based on the yoga. I would strongly suggest checking out her music and chanting. Truly her voice is divine, and I fully intend to incorporate her music into my classes. In a couple of weeks I'll be trying a yoga DVD with Gurmukh, a renowned kundalini teacher. This may give me better insight into the practice. Next up, Yoga Shakti with Shiva Rea. It's going to take me at least a week to get through this , there is a LOT of yoga in this vinyasa series! Tomorrow I think I will try my hand at a one day fast.
OK then.... one meal down, one fast one yoga video to go! Bliss factor: not bad.
End note.... How to make the Man ecstatic; be a rookie, pitch a no hitter, make it happen after we've lost five in a row. You should have seen him beam. Talk about bliss factor!

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